Mouth Health, Biological Dentistry, and Finding the Route Cause of Disease: Dr Dome Nischwitz

Dr Dominik Nischwitz, or Dr. Dome, is back! He’s one of my favourite people to talk to and after the past two crazy years we had a lot to talk about.

Dr Nischwitz is a dentist and naturopath, a world specialist in biological dentistry and ceramic implants.

He is also the president of the International Society of Metal-free Implantology (ISMI) and the co-founder of the DNA Health and Aesthetics Centre of Biological Dentistry in Germany.

He is a pioneer in the field of holistic odontology, and regularly gives lectures globally and trains traditional and biological dentists worldwide to believe all health starts in the mouth.

Join us as we explore:

  • Why Dr Dome’s message is for people who are trying everything but still aren’t achieving superhuman health, it’s time go see a skilled biological dentist – that visit can help you resolve depression, autoimmune disease, IBS, chronic fatigue and more.
  • Amazing stories of people whose health and lives were transformed by simple biological dentistry interventions, including helping couples struggling to conceive get pregnant!
  • If you’ve had root canals or wisdom teeth extractions, whether or not to have your cavitations cleaned. And how Dr Dome’s brother gained 10% human health by doing the surgical cleanup himself!
  • Why Western oral dental theory doesn’t add up.
  • How HRV is related to oral health, and how HRV can be used to monitor the health of your nervous system.
  • Why you should not just say yes the next time your dentist wants to drill your next cavity.
  • Oral health in kids and why there is an uptick in kiddy orthodontics.


Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the medical advice of Dr Steve Stavrou, your doctor other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding the recommendations in the podcast or a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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