Steve Stavs has been captivating audiences around the globe with his inspiring, insightful and thought-provoking keynote addresses. In living his purpose, Steve finds his flow when he takes to the stage – his innate gift of depth of communication and the ability to meaningfully engage his audiences is something unique to experience. He expertly weaves together an understanding of his 7 pillars to thriving, revealing expert ways to youthful ageing and how to live a purpose-filled life of vibrance and longevity.
The past health narrative is one of losing the war against chronic disease, but the future narrative is one of HOPE.
How? By changing your TODAY.
You can own your own health journey. When you take accountability for yourself, things will change radically. Your personal health and wellness data will give you the edge in terms of adopting positive, personally optimised habits and changing your life.
Have you ever heard of Eustress? Distress? A double edged sword exists with stress: the good and the bad.
Did you know that continuous distress whacks your immune system?
Which has a knock on effect on you? And that the way you personally frame stress determines whether it’s negative or positive?
You are what you eat. Fact.
Nutrition is fundamental to life and the right nutrition for YOU will begin the process of moving your life from surviving to thriving.
Not all sleep is equal!
If you want to set yourself up for victory in life, you need to get on top of your own personal sleep health.
How do we stay in optimal health when life around us is stressful and we’re not getting enough rest?
Being SuperHuman in a modern world is simpler than you expect.
Modernity is encapsulating many aspects of life and the future of health is one of the most anticipated as it progresses to being bespoke and personalised.
This is truly the era of personal health optimisation based on unique, individual data.
How do you live well in your modern world without needing to escape?
Embody the “blue zones” where you are right now, today.
We are not victims of our genetic makeup or our ancestry. We have the ability, science and power to become the full expression of our best selves, biologically and psychologically.
Steve Stavs brings a dynamic energy with him. As a born motivator, who comes alive when he steps into spaces where he can share the wealth of knowledge and information, he embodies from over 23 years in the industry of health optimisation and will be the ideal speaker for your next event.