ADHD, ADD, Autism, Aspergers, Dyslexia, Tourette’s & Bipolar.
Is it nature or nurture? Genetics or epigenetic? That is a core part of my discussion today with world renowned brain and childhood neurological disorder expert Dr Robert Melillo. He is doing miraculous things at his clinic, with an almost 100% success rate of remediating children with neurological issues ranging from autism to ADHD to bipolar disorder. How? By going to the root of the issue – the brain.
Dr. Robert Melillo is one of the most respected specialists in childhood neurological disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo has been helping children overcome learning disabilities for over 30 years. His areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other mental, attention, behavioural and learning disorders. He is also an expert in diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.
Join us as we explore:
- How what happens to the brain in childhood creates the epigenetic reality of neurological diseases in adulthood.
- Exploring why autism has gone from a 1 in 10,000 child to 1 in 20.
- Why brain hemispheric and nervous system imbalances are at the root of much modern disease, and the tools that can be used to rebalance the brain.
- How Dr Melillo is getting non-verbal children speaking within a year using the Melillo Method.
- Why more and more kids are categorised as remedial.
- Practical advice based on successful outcomes for parents of kids with a childhood neurological disorder.
- Website –
- Courses – Functional Developmental Behavioural Neuroimmunology,