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Super Gut Masterclass with Dr William Davis

The Role of the Microbiome and How to Optimise It

Dr William Davis is an interventional cardiologist with the purpose of preventing and reversing coronary disease which has taken him on a journey to become a master educator, investigator and author..

After 25 years of practicing cardiology, he became disillusioned with the medical system’s narrow focus on prescription drugs and surgical procedures.

Dr Davis then began to look at natural, logical and inexpensive solutions with great success, leading him to becoming a multiple New York Times best selling author, selling over 4 million books including “Wheat Belly” and his latest  “Super Gut”, which details his unique 4 week plan to reprogram your microbiome and restore your health.


  • A gut microbiome masterclass! From symbiosis, eubiosis, dysbiosis, SIBO, probiotics and more
  • What has wrecked such enormous devastating on everyone’s gut in the modern world
  • Dr Davis’s favorite bacteria!
  • Why food intolerances are not about the food but about YOU and your gut!
  • A game changing biohacking device for your gut health
  • Endotoxaemia and it’s relation to diseases from fibromyalgia to ALS and depression
  • The incredible world of fermenting and creating personalised, disease-specific probiotics



Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the medical advice of Dr Steve Stavrou, your doctor other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding the recommendations in the podcast or a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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