Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years.
Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.
- Dr. Wahl’s incredible story from MS diagnoses to not only getting her health and career back but changing her entire approach to medicine and therefore changing countless peoples’ lives.
- Why Dr. Wahl won’t work with people who are NOT committed to making the lifestyle behaviour changes necessary to heal.
- What are autoimmune disorders and why their diagnoses have exponentially increasing.
- Why pharmaceutical drugs are incapable of restoring true health.
- Everything Dr Wahl’s health restoring protocol – diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress reduction – and why it starts with asking clients their “WHY.”
- Why Dr Wahls always goes back to ancestral ideas and evolution when considering human health.
- Oxidative stress, vitamin D and the key to hormetic stress management.
- Seminars – https://terrywahls.com/seminar/
- Devices – MUSE – https://madetothrive.co.za/special-deals/muse-the-brain-sensing-meditation-headgear/
- Devices – SaunaSpace – https://madetothrive.co.za/special-deals/saunaspace/
- Website – https://terrywahls.com
- Facebook – Terry Wahls MD
- Twitter – @TerryWahls